Sunday, November 27, 2005

Travel Blog

My travel blog is up. Do drop by and tag if you do!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

411 pix

411 pix

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


To all loyal readers of Cosmic-Consequence, The Cosmic Blogger shall be away on vacation from 3/11/05 to 22/11/05, thus there shall be no new updates during this period. However should I be able to have access to internet, I may give you whatever updates there may be. 4.11 Class pics will only be up after I return. So sorry been busy packing no time to upload them. For now, I'm off to New York, Orlando, Boston etcetcetc. Take Care and bye for now...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

4.11 Stephen 2005

Its been 2 years since we met as a class. Sigh, really gonna miss everyone. Of all 4 years of my ACS(Independent) life, these 2 years have been the most enjoyable. There are just countless memories, just too many. This pic with images taken within the last 12 months show a few. JLoh dancing after mid-year (diagonal top left to bottom right). YY doing impersonation of a certain teacher, singing 'Heal the World' during MsNSilverrajan's period (top centre). CheeSiang shielding his head during a recent paperball fight hey isn't that LamPengKuan bio bk? arh so dat's how cheesiang gets the info to his head...(top right). Yang and Sam...pic taken at a time when few knew (Left centre). Mr Cheong's bio lesson in progress (bottom centre). Bottom left pic is just a random shot...
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