Thursday, April 16, 2009

exerpt from the closing speech of the ideological disambiguation party

"...After a meaningful and fulfilling week, it is with much regret that I have to announce that our gathering has come to a close...Before the party began, we set out with the sole aim of unifying conflicting ideologies across our vast organisation...Today, I am proud to announce that the ideological disambiguation party has been a resounding success, having exceeded expectations. Apart from promulgating unified ideologies and aligning ourselves to our ethos to excel, we have broken new grounds and established new procedures...I would now like to thank all of you for gracing the ideological disambiguation party with your most esteemed presence and generous contribution of visionary ideas, which I look forward to implementing for continued success of our infallible organisation!" (speaker receives thunderous ovation) "...Without further ado, let us adjourn to the dining hall for light canapes and vintage house pours..."


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