Wednesday, May 30, 2007

the boy in the garden

Pacing towards departure. Hesitantly, glancing back. The open welcomes. Wishing to leave it all behind, but his heart disallows. Why. Mere steps away. Freedom. Even if temporal. Peace. Break. Void. Period. But why. Alas, he is recalled. Bittersweet escape that never happened. Or did it...?

Awakened. Thoughts. But why? Time is of essence, and now is the moment that cannot be. Confused yet longing. Staring into the green. Solace he seeks. Wishing to let go. O, heart...

Saturday, May 05, 2007


He glances. 2007. 365 days. Things changed. Not all.

Life darkens, enlightenment notwithstanding. The conundrum remains, it still evades. Ahead a cliff, beyond which the unknown, as yet.

Sensorial pleasures adequately met – he should be so lucky. But how long more, can he live? The age long question poses even more. A continuous pursuit, a search for balance…

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