Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Do we all think the same

Surfing about,
“Emo-ing” around,
Thinking aloud,
Unconsciously bound.
Torrents of text, diluting attention.
Dispensing with reality, uninhibited outpouring.

In our search for us, do we all
Think the same?

Monday, March 05, 2007

Crazy at Kino

After a long week, whatever energy left in me was utilised, standing and walking and kneeling and shuffling, in that crazy evening at Kinokuniya…

So you thought book vouchers made good gifts…

You are right, accounting for the fact that it gives the recipient total freedom to choose his or her book. A good excuse to actually posses that novel or coffee table book you’ve been browsing through at bookstores. The exception, however, is with indecisive people like me. I appreciate gift vouchers because it eliminates the risk of an unappreciated present, but it also presents the indecisive one with the challenge of choosing the best book. After much deliberation, I narrowed down my choices to two astronomy books, and after that still, spent much time whittling it down to that one book to be mine. Hastened by the fact that the store was closing in 10 minutes. So you see how gift vouchers can be a joy and a pain.

So many books, so little time…

Books, books and more books! While Borders has a slightly warmer ambience, the modern and simple décor of Kinokuniya holds a treasure trove of books. There must be millions of books there, enticing readers of varied interests: new age, religion, travel, sports, manga… . I must have spent no less than an hour sussing out the astronomy books. Like a hungry predator, I devoured every book, and had to tear myself away to look to other sections. Paces away, I found myself deep within the travel section, relishing in Lonely Planet guidebooks, down to every itsy-bitsy witty comment there was about a destination. World-weary, I moved in on my next kill: the design section. Here, I once again found myself delighting in page after page of minimalist interiors or avant-garde exteriors. Time just flew by, ignoring my book-binge.

Now I know…

Today I finally understood the rationale behind cafes in bookstores. As time flew by, my mind grew increasingly sated, unlike my gut, which began to growl. And there it was - right in the heart of book haven – Coffee Club. Not only did it offer a respite from the physically draining act of endless browsing, it also offered delicious food and prompt service, highly commendable for an establishment better known for coffee.

When in Orchard…

Decades ago, Somerset Maugham was charmed by the culinary treats at Raffles Hotel and famously said, When in Singapore, feed at Raffles. Today, I was charmed by literary fare like no other, and declare, When in Orchard, read at Kino.

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