Sunday, July 31, 2005

...Silence is deafening...

...Traversing this finite path of life,
I fathom why this silence...


Saturday, July 30, 2005

...Divine Dilemma...

...a supernova...
...a gas giant...
...a black hole...

Sometimes things occur;
Sometimes it can't happen otherwise;
Sometimes you're lost in time and space.

Why you behave like that;
Why did it have to happen;
Why we'll never know...

To everyone I know
You’ll slip before you know it
And there doesn’t seem a way to be redeemed
This divine dilemma I landed in

A star is torn

Venus finally showed up! And with messenger Mercury too! And then we had drops of Jupiter, pretty much for the whole evening. It was a very clear night, but light pollution spoilt it all. In fact the astronomy session was the best we've had in the past few weeks.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Venus, Venus, where art thou?

Last night was quite a disappointment. Venus didn't even show up for her date. Left us stoning, waiting for her. The members familiarised themselves with the telescopes, and we conducted our first lesson (or more appropriately, CMY conducted the first lesson). Then Samuel "discovered" Jupiter. We stayed a little later than usual, and then the moon finally turned up, but constantly evaded behind the clouds. And that was it. A rather boring Astronomy session. Let's hope it gets better next week...

Saturday, July 23, 2005

It all began with the big bang...

It all happened in 3 minutes. The creation of the universe, the birth of my blog. A cosmic consequence...
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