Thursday, December 01, 2005


Hi. Sigh, I'm beginning to notice a trend. Why is it that whenever I have inspiration to blog about something relevant to this site it's 'cos I'm caught in some kind of dilemma? Yet another tempest is brewing in me. Or should I say, another, tornado spinning...
I've come to that point in my academic life that I can no longer do badly. Like, now or never. And when I hear of other success stories, there's this inkling in me to be like them. I'm already 16. I can't change much. Many mistakes committed, too late now. Lack of talent for art was a problem. But nevermind, I'll try for other areas...
But have I even tried? Pains me. Destroying my very own future. Sigh. What does it take...
Effort! Yes yes, but the same unchanging answer. Sigh...
Uh, interruption, gtg now...with pain I take my leave...


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