Monday, October 31, 2005


Decided to post something about this hot star, one of, if not, my favourite. Catherine Zeta-Jones! Well not exactly all about her, but just that I happened to watch a movie with her in it, so heres what happened before and during the movie. Don't worry though, no spoilers. Except that Elena is a good enough reason to catch it...

After O level HCL, went out with Eggy and Sean. On the way saw someone at staff room. Eeks still so happy one. Er xin. Flightplan wasn't showing at favourable times, so we bought tix for Zorro instead. Whee Catherine Zeta-Jones. Quite a funny movie actually, including cheesy scenes, be action packed or not. Like Elena/Zorro sneaking into a crevice just in time not to get spotted, or that caped-rider-on-horseback silhouette, then riding away into the distance. And that cheesy Spanish accent put up by Welsh-born Zeta-Jones. And btw, that French count failed terribly in his accent. Too English sounding! The humour was still bearable, though it's surprisingly numerable for an action film. Oh and there's this Father, who is SO like that monk from Van Helsing, you suspect both are played by one actor. Lets see, both are pretty blur, both are from religious institutions (both Catholics actually), PLUS both provide humourous inputs. Uncannily similar koped idea? Elena sure provides some treats for the eyes. Nice dressed. Moreover, she gives a new meaning to the term "dressed to kill". Really, one wonders how she can manage to escape savage dogs while heaving that heavy dress and heavy top. Nevertheless, from "air-hostess with the mostest" in The Terminal to Elena with killer looks, killer costumes and killer others, Zeta-Jones never fails to catch my attention. Dang Micheal Douglas...


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