Monday, December 26, 2005

Thank you

Have you ever imagined what it would be like it the sun suddenly just "disappeared"? If all the oceans froze over? Annihilation? First comes the cold, unfriendly chills at mid-day, then the shroud that never would disperse. Next goes our H2O, solidifying our lives forever. Life falls apart, nothing matters anymore...everything has been lost, and you wish you treasured it before, wish you never had to let go, wish you were grateful...but all is too late...
So while you can, go bask in the warmth of the sun, go savour the goodness of clean drinking water, enjoy the company of family and friends...Live life like you never did, no regrets, filled with happiness. For a start, be grateful for life. That you exist for a fraction of eternity. Then move on, to everything else. The sun the earth the water the people. No this isn't a warning of an imminent threat of the sun just going away. Nothing's gonna engulf it either. But not you. Who knows what tomorrow brings? Tides change, tides rise, tides fall. Be appreciative, before the tide gets you like it did to so many helpless souls a year ago, whose lives were changed by the tide...Thank you


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