Thursday, August 25, 2005

In the footprints of giants

The past week saw me do much contemplation on life for my essay. No fruitation of any helpful pointers, but alas, there exists this great sense of insignificance...

In this vast, cold space, exists a planet small by measure in it's own solar system, and on it are billions and billions of lives. There are some who have made their mark, then there are those who fade into oblivion. Newton once said he has seen further standing on the shoulders of giants. I, on the other hand, find myself lost in the footprints of giants. As if I'll just come and leave without a trace, just as a light gale does.

Then there is no purpose in my life. No reason for my being. Therefore I cannot let this happen. Everyday the reality is sinking further and further in. With every breathe I take, every sip I drink, every morsel I consume, the end draws nearer. Time, ever so precious, ticks away. The sun rises and sets, the tides rise and fall. Nothing, nothing can stop time. But we have the power to use time. It all lies in our hands. Which is why the outlook is grim. It lies in MY hands to control MY life. It's all up to ME. With a twist of fate, a dash of luck, coupled with blood and toil, great things there can be.

The world is my oyster; humanity is the pearl; it's now or never; it's time...


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